Gospel Music School of Texas, Inc.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

STTL2002 songs by Lyricist

American Folk Hymn      Holy Is The Lord
Latin Hymn      O Christ, Our Hope
Anonymous   Father Of Mercy    Jesus, Our Lord And King   
                     Worthy The Lamb
James Adams      Hail The King
Don M. Alexander      Favor In His Eyes
     In The Presence Of God      My Lord, My Friend, My Savior
Gilbert Alexander      How Can I Praise Thee?      Thou Lovest Me Still
Oneita Bailey      My Heavenly Mansion
H. W. Baker      The King Of Love My Shepherd Is
Cheryl Barksdale      Be Not Afraid      Home At Last      My Keeper
Matthew W. Bassford      A New Song      All Hail, Eternal Light
     Almighty Father, Hear My Plea      Almighty In Wonder
     Arise And Bless The Lord      Be Reconciled To God
     Be Strong And Courageous      Better Things      Bless Thou The Gifts
     Everlasting God      Exalted      Father, Help Me Pray
     Father Of Mercy      Give Ear To My Appeals      Grace Be With You All
     He Will Intercede      His Loving Hand      How Great A Love
     I Cannot Fully Know      Let Us Arise And Build Jerusalem
     Lord, Help Me See Your Blessings      Lord, Thank You For Forgiveness
     My Father's Voice      My Song Is The Law Of The Lord
     O God Of Earth And Firmament      Praise!
     Praise The Lord For His Goodness      Rain Down, O Heavens
     Reborn In Me   Reborn Of Spirit   Rejoice And Sing That God Is Great!
     Savior And Friend      Seek First The Kingdom      Servant's Song
     Sing To The Lord      Stay With Us, O Risen Jesus
     The City Of Refuge      The Cost      The Fullness Of Your Love
     The Israel Of God  The Kingdom, Lord, Is Yours  The Mercy Of Our God
     The Rock Of My Heart      The Way Of Holiness
     This God Of Our Salvation      We Are One      Who Is A God Like You?
James D. Beard      Jesus, Savior And King      To Hear You Call My Name
Sam Binkley, Jr.      The Mind Of Christ
Lee Black      There's A Home
Jean Blackford      Remember Who You Are
Horatius Bonar      I Lay My Sins On Jesus
Lela & Van Bowers      We're Going Home
Dee Bowman   He'll Go With Me    Hold My Hand   While This Day Is Mine
Gary L. Box      Resurrection      Time, Fleeting Time
     Turn The World Upside Down
Eric Bridge      Why I Love My Lord
Matthew Bridges      Crown Him With Many Crowns
Stopford A. Brooke      Let The Whole Creation Cry
Cletis Brooks      My Life
Grant B. Caldwell   A Morning Prayer   As The Sound Of Many Waters
     I Stand Before The Cross      Love And Honor      My Friend Jesus
     One Thing I Know    Strength In Weakness     The Lord Is At Hand
     Wait On The Lord      We Walk Each Day      What I Want
Steve Cawthon     My Lord, My Friend, My Savior
Avalane Champagne      Spirit And Clay
Bernard of Cluny  Brief Life Is Here Our Portion  Jerusalem, The Golden
Louise Coburn      I Have A Hope
George W. Conder      All Things Praise Thee
J. C. Cory      We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer
Linda Cosgrove      Not My Will, But Thine
Charli E. Couchman    Christ Lives In Me   For God So Loved The World
     How Long Till The Morning?      How Shall I Praise Your Name?
     Immanuel, God With Us      Jesus Is King Of My Life
     Let Me Live That I May Praise You      Lift Up The Light
     O Come, Let Us Sing For Joy      O Lord, Thou Art My God
     Opening Prayer    The Lord Is My Light    Thy Word Is A Treasure
T. D. Couchman      He Walked
Kathy Crawford      I Will Rejoice
Fanny J. Crosby      My Savior First Of All
Laurence Cutts      Tear Down The Idols      That You May Know
Lizzie DeArmond      On The Cross Of Calvary
Suzanne Durbin  Hallelujah! For The Judgment Day   
     Our God, Creator Of All
Barbara Ellis      Your Life Is But A Vapor
Ellen Ellis      A Faith To Call Their Own
Bill Eskut      At Night I View The Heavens
William R. Featherstone      My Jesus, I Love Thee
Sarah J. Fuhrman   He Knew It All   I Will Wake The Dawn With Praises
     Joy Of A Servant      Only In Humility
Gayle D. Garrison      God Gives Me Love      Jesus Is Lord
     Let It Be Me      Living Water, Bread Of Life      On My Way
Bonnie L. Gary      Be Thou Faithful Unto Death
Gertrude Green      Our Prayer
Forrest Hall      A Thorn In The Flesh      He Was Here      Swift To Hear
Huey P. Hartsell      Beautiful Attitudes      Come, You Blessed
     Depart From Me      Father, Help Us Remember     
     God's Armor Will Not Fail     God's Providence     
     Hades' Gates Will Not Prevail      I'm Forgiven
     Mighty Is The Mortal Tongue      My Life Is New      O Come, Lord Jesus
     Our Awesome God      The Last Enemy Is Conquered
     What Shall I Render To My Lord?      With Christ We Are Strong
Carri Mullins Hawkins      Christ Is Our Lord
Melva Herren      Walking Along With Jesus
K. R. Hersey      Glory Yet Untold
Tim Jennings      Servant's Song
John Julian      O God Of God! O Light Of Light!
Luclair Kilgore    Hosanna In The Highest    O Rest In The Lord
Linda King      Father, Love Me
Steven Ladd      Faith In God
O. E. (Sam) Landrum      Broken For Many      Child Of A King
     Cleft Of Gladness, Mighty Fortress      Commission Almighty
     Gleams The Harvest   He Keeps Me Singing   He Restoreth My Soul
     He's Coming, I Know      I Believe      I Call Him My Jesus
     I'll Know Thee      Keep Us, O Lord      Look Down, O God
     Lord, Will You Know Me?      Mine Is His Love
     My God; 'Tis He      My Lord, I Know You Care   My Name Is There
     O Magnify My Master      O Soul Redeemed      Sing Hallelujah!
     The Truth And The Light      Where Life's Waters Flow
Dwayne Lee      Christian Virtues
Cherris F. Lehman      My Heavenly Mansion
William F. Lloyd      My Times Are In Thy Hand
Georgia Long      Beyond The Clouds
Samuel Longfellow      Bless Thou The Gifts
Mae Love      Enter In      My Destination Is Heaven
Gene Mabry       Gracious Father, Heal My Soul   My Spirit Rejoices In Jesus
Frances O. Martin      Home Above The Blue      Well Done, My Child
Forrest C. May   I Can Do All Things Thru Christ   I Want Heaven For My Home
Jean L. McBride      What Is Love?
Caleb McDaniel      They Watched Him There
Mary Katherine McGee      My Savior Won My Victory
     O Lamb Of God      Supper With The King
Mike McMurray      Let Your Light Shine
     My Home Over There      Praise The Lord 
Brad Merrick      Come And Walk With Him
J. S. B. Monsell      Savior And Friend
E. Anne Morrison      A World Beyond Compare
     Praise The Lord In Every Way      Thou Art Near
R. L. Morrison      Will You Live For Jesus?
Richard L. Morrison      God Has Made Another Day
     Let Us Arise And Build Jerusalem    Resurrection   Time, Fleeting Time
Joachim Neander      Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
John Newton      Come, My Soul, Your Plea Prepare
Johnson Oatman, Jr.      Be A Blessing
Charles R. Page      Blessed Calvary
James Patterson      A Morning Prayer
Philippians 4:4      Rejoice In The Lord Always
Kenneth Phillips      I Know
Psalms      Psalm 19
Brian Rainwater      Nothing Is Impossible With God
Ron Rasmussen      Let Me, O God
Freeman Riggins      I Cannot Cross The River Alone
Larry Rinlee      O Sing Unto God
C. A. Roberts      Are You Weighed Down?      Coronation
     Father, Help Us Raise Our Children      Glory Uet Untold
     God Of Prayer      High Above The Seraphim      Lord God Of Life
     Lord, Increase My Faith      Loved Ones
     O Father, Let Us See His Death      Our Fellowship
     Savior And Friend      The Army Of Our Lord
     The Greater Light, The Lesser Light   We Shall Stand Before The Throne
Lynn Robinson      Now I Wait For Heaven's Call
Caroline V. Sandell-Berg      Children Of The Heavenly Father
Glenda Barnhard Schales      Almighty In Wonder      Be Still
     Come, King Of Kings      Come Unto Me      Creation's Praise
     Father, Forgive      For You Have Promised      Grace Be With You All
     Healing In Its Wings      I Keep My Heart      In Your Holy Sight
     Into Thy Hands      Let Us Arise And Build Jerusalem
     Like Waves Of The Sea      Love Fulfilled With Mighty Power
     Mignify, O Magnify!      My God And I Against The World
     O God, Be Glorified In Me      One Heart, One Voice   One In Him
     One Man Slept; One Man Wept      Softly, So Softly
     The Israel Of God      The Way Of Holiness      The Word In Me
     We Are One      We Bow Down In Reverence   When I Call My God
     Who Is A God Like You?      You Are My Strength
Walter Scott      Give Thanks To God
Dane K. Shepard      Christ Is Risen
     Hosanna In The Highest      O Rest In The Lord
Anne F. Stevens      Give Me A Kind, Forgiving Heart
     If Love Is All I Have      Lift Up Your Voice   Look Up With Me!
     May My Life Be Like A Prayer      No One But Thee
     Proclaim His Death      The Apples In A Seed      There Is Room
     Too Many To Number      What Darkness This?
     What Direction Are You Headed?      When I Get To Heaven
Debbie Stevens      God Has Made Another Day
R. J. Stevens      Come To Me, Said Jesus    In True Communion
     Risen With Christ      The Wonders Of God
Austin Taylor      For Christ And The Church
     O Lord, We Heed Thy Love's Request
Godfrey Thring      Crown Him With Many Crowns
Traditional      Be Thou My Vision      Heavenly Father
     O Come, Let Us Adore Him      Rise And Shine
Cherry Trimble      O Father, Lord Of Harvest
Cliff Vengley      A River Of Crimson
Isaac Watts   Blest Be The Everlasting God  
     I Sing The Mighty Power Of God
Wayne S. Walker      Be With Us, God      Praise Ye The Lord
David Wiseman      We Praise His Holy Name
Claude E. Worley      God's Love And Power